Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Barbara Walter's and the View Defending Maher for calling a baby a 'retard'

Normally I don't watch the View.  They sound like a bunch of cackling hens.  Yet yesterday 6/19/13 I watched the show on DVR.  Barbara Walters defended Chris Maher for calling Trig Palin a little baby with downs syndrome ...a retard.

Barbara Walters 'said' he wasn't being 'insensitive'.  REALLY?  From the clip that was shown across the internet the hate, bigotry, and intolerance for those with special needs was written across every word out of Maher's mouth, and every line in his face!

Yes I'm enraged by this.  As a woman with Aspergers, I had that word thrown in my face for every day of my life!  Even today there are still people who don't want 'my kind' any where around them!  Never mind that I graduated high school, and have some college education.  Never mind that with the exception of a public school education, I never took a penny of government assistance. Never mind that in spite of the haters, I was able to keep a job ..make friends, and even get married and have two wonderful children.  Never mind  that I am a honorably discharged veteran.  Never mind that I am self employed as a artist. The only thing that matters to Maher, and the rest of the haters who use that vile word their incessant wish to demean and diminish everyone who they deem to be "LIFE UNWORTHY OF LIFE"!

The fact is MAHER did not ONLY attack a baby with Downs Syndrome.  He also attacked every man, woman, and Child with any type of Learning or Mental disorder.  And THAT is what the INTOLERANT HATE MONGERS of the VIEW not only DEFENDED but ENCOURAGED!  And THAT is (as a Woman With Aspergers, a MOM with two beautiful daughters with Aspergers) what I consider to be the the true violation of the BIGOTS of the VIEW!

What Barbara Walters and the rest of the HAGS Including ELIZABETH on the view did yesterday was INEXCUSABLE and UNFORGIVABLE!

Yes I wrote the ABC to complain about Walters and her inexcusable defense of such bigotry and intolerance.

And what was ABC's response?

The JERKS sent a form letter that did not even bother to address the fact that I just complained about one of their 'pet shows' for defending the outrageous bigotry of a grown man going after a little baby by calling him a RETARD!  In fact the PIGS at ABC don't give a flying shit about the wish to hold the hate mongers accountable for their intolerance, bigotry, and yes for their WILLFUL IGNORANCE!

The PIGS at ABC instead of even 'deeming' to respond to the hate directed at a little baby, and the BITCHES who dare to defend that HATE ...gave me a FORM LETTER!

No wonder ABC is the JOKE of the Net works!  

I urge EVERYONE who is equally offended by the HATE MONGER BIGOTS of the VIEW boycott not only their Show, but the NETWORK who continues to allow them to SPOUT THEIR HATE!

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