Tuesday, February 2, 2010

UPDATE on S819

This blog will be mercifully short. It pertains to S 819 the Autism treatment accelerated act.

In previous versions of this bill, it contained a mandetory registry of all people with autism and aspergers.

In the 6th draft of this bill, that has now been released; the registry is now 'voluntary'.

However this bill is still discriminatory towards those of us in the Autism community.

There is still the 'committee' who will decide the treatment, training, and even the quality of life those people with Autism and Aspergers will be 'allowed' to have.

I do have to say something else about the latest draft of this bill. Since the MANDETORY registry is no lonnger Mandetory as verified as fact by Senator Tom Udall's office in 8/25/09; at least SOMEONE is listening.

Now if only we can get rid of the committees who will over rule the parents (who according to the bill are 'supposed' to have rights).

At least now, there is a ray of hope.