Saturday, October 3, 2009

OBAMA: "I will NOT Accept Partisan Efforts' Blocking Health Reform bills"

I am so tired of people saying that opposition to the so called 'Health reform bills' are 'partisan'. As I recall, Reid couldn't even get the votes from Democrats to pass the 'senate bill'. Which by the way, passed through the committee (even though the only person there that would support the bill was senator Baucus.

I don't oppose the Health care reform bill because I am PARTISAN. I oppose the Health care reform bills because it is a direct attempt to take away my freedom of choice as to what treatments I choose for myself.

(Please note that in a letter I recieved from Congressman Lujan of New (Dem) that he stated that he supports a SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM)

I oppose the 'so called Health reform bill' S 819 HR 2413 the so called Autism treatment accelerated act because it calls for a mandetory registry and submission to being under constant surveilence of every man, woman, and child with Aspergers or Autism.

In short it makes those of us with Aspergers and Autism the functional equivelent to the JEWS of NAZI GERMANY!

I also oppose the so called Autism treatment accelerated acts, because it calls for only a 'handful of treatment centers 'scattered' through out the country; from which ALL treatments for Autism and Aspergers will be 'given'.

In short RATIONED!

And NO, those of us with Autism and Aspergers do not get to decide what treatments work! We will GET the treatments that the centers CHOOSE to give us!

In short bye bye FREEDOM OF CHOICE!

(Please note that the registry replete with survielence 'services' was VERIFIED as fact by the office of Senator Udall on August 25, 2009)

I oppose the so called Children's health reform act aka S CHIP (which was signed into law by President Obama) because it denys children with Autism coverage (which means if we are forced onto a public option all children with Autism will be DENIED CARE).

(Please note that THIS was verified as fact by Senator Edward Kennedy in a letter on his official stationary to me)

I am not the only 'person' who opposes the so called Health Reform legislation on the floor of the congress, and senate. There were two million people at the DC march on 9/12 who oppose these bills too.

And yet instead of giving them credit for coming to Washington, DC to let their voices be heard; they were demonized as Nazis .... tea baggers...Radicals, Facists, and racists.

And yet, is it us who dare to exercise our freedom of speech who are calling for Mandetory registries (replete with surveilence services of law abiding Americans) for anyone who didn't agree with us? Is it US, who are telling those who we don't agree with to 'STEP ASIDE and TAKE IT'? Is it US who are trying to Supress the freedom of speech of others? Is it US who are saying that NAZI does NOT mean SOCIALIST (even though according to the German language it does)? And is it US who are giving child abusers PREFERENCE over they very children upon whom they prey, while telling those people who have learning disabilities that they should be registered and monitored as though THEY are the criminals?

I don't think so.

I truly believe that our one hope is the 2010 elections. We need to kick everyone who votes for these so called Health care reform bills OUT! Whether they are democrats or republicans, we need to kick them ALL out to the curb!

In short God help us to keep our courage so that we can continue to speak out against all who would discriminate against someone merely because they disagree with the party who is currently in power, or because they are 'different'.

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