Friday, October 9, 2009

Naval Vessel quarantine story is not a hoax

In this document it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the three vessels that were assumed (but not confirmed) to have been quarantined (along with the deaths of a captain and chief petty officer) have actually happened.

They say that instead of the 'shot' we'll be getting the spray that's sprayed inside of your nose. Yet I have fears (especially after reading this document) that those are just as dangerous.

With the Bush administration (even though I am greatful for him keeping our country safe after 9/11) not allowing people to sue for defective vaccines (and yes it was the Bush administration that did this), they can put anything into this vaccine.

And with 1 out of every 91 children now being diagnosed with Aspergers and Autism, I have no DOUBTS that this is precisely what has been done.

Don't get me wrong. I'm no liberal, but I believe in placing responsibility where it truly belongs. And in taking away our rights to protect ourselves and our children from potentially life threatening 'vaccines', that responsibility rests solely on the shoulders of the Bush administration.

Say NO to the H1N1 vaccine, say NO to any vaccine in which the doctors can not or will NOT tell you what they contain (and the side effects thereof).

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